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Join the CF Affiliate Collective

Protecting the community and the methodology we love

Have you heard that affiliates are organizing to protect the community and methodology we love? Join our email list to find out how you can help.



Why does it need protecting?

 In 2020, the brand and company was bought by private equity investors who have since run the company to maximize profits  at the expense of the brand and the community.

Greg Glassman said that affiliates were the "caretakers of the forest".  The Community First Affiliate Collective (CFAC) is a group of past and present affiliate owners organizing to protect the community and the methodology that we love.

If you are interested in finding out more about how you can help, fill out the Contact Us form below. 

Contact Us

Get in touch with us

  • @cfaffiliatecollective


  • +1 831-920-1755

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